Since 1974, the Student Press Law Center has been the nation's only legal assistance agency devoted exclusively to educating high school and college journalists about the rights and responsibilities embodied in the First Amendment and supporting the student news media in their struggle to cover important issues free from censorship. The Center provides free legal advice and information as well as low-cost educational materials for student journalists on a wide variety of legal topics. Reporters, editors and photographers may get free advice here.
For more than 40 years, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has provided free legal advice, resources, support and advocacy to protect the First Amendment and Freedom of Information rights of journalists working in areas where U.S. law applies, regardless of the medium in which their work appears.
An outstanding college publication at Ithaca College, The Ithacan, has run into new rules. Ithaca College faculty and students are responding to a new media policy issued by President Tom Rochon that requires all student media to route requests for interviews with administrators through the college’s office of media relations. Under the new policy, which went into effect Monday, all media interested in contacting an administrator, director, dean, associate dean or assistant dean must contact Dave Maley, associate director of media relations, who will facilitate an interview.
This is an unfortunate change of policy
Reporters, photographers, editors -- all of you and your advisers -- need to know what you can and can't do with your publications.
Media Ethics WebsitesMedia Ethics magazine is independent. It is editorially eclectic, and the sponsors are not responsible for its content. It strives to provide a forum for opinion and research articles on media ethics, as well as a venue for announcements and reviews of meetings, opportunities, and publications.
SPJ Code of Ethics
NPPA Code of Ethics
Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics
Radio-Television News Directors Association Code of Ethics
Advertising Code of Ethics
Recent problems with ethics in the professional media world
Ethics Case Studies
Perhaps these resources will help you do the right thing -- the right way.